Sunday, December 10, 2006

談攝影, 音樂亦然

攝影同其它arts 一樣


所以depends on d 人到底係
buy 你的skill or buy 你的telant

if they're buying merely your skills
they use u like a tool
when u'r like a tool, u go obsolete FAST

but instead using u as a tool
they admire ur talents

Then it's a totally different ballgame

so the key is:
how to elevate urslf from being skillful to being talented
From BB叔

我都算係半個ARTS 學生, 因為我都學過0下 你所講0既心情我完全明白, 所以有時朋友問我點解唔一齊去影相, 而如果我答好似你所講LEE番說話, 我都好懷疑有幾多人會明白...

有時寧願有人誤會, 都唔想做一D 自己覺得無意義0既事, 交際應酬大把機會, 我從不喜歡將攝影當係其中一種
From christpandakit

1 comment:

chrispandakit said...

引用我同bb 0既post 都唔出句聲, 收你版權費0架.....[講笑0者, 多謝你欣賞就真]