Tuesday, December 19, 2006

最近,成日係到諗, 我係5 係好怪? ...
人地覺得好笑既野,我又覺得5係咁好笑.... 覺得係下流笑話,或者無聊笑話....
i would larf, but would not consider that as hostorical.
琴日,同sarah, tom, danny, damien, christine 出街.....
超無聊....... 對我黎講,真係悶到,想返屋企.....
12點,dany 到我屋企,接我.
ended up at tom's house.
佢地幾個 打機
我同danny 睇russel peters.. = =

tom insist 要drop of 我,damien n eric at westfield.
而佢同danny 去接sarah n christine.. (at skool)
westfield and skool are like 15mins apart. i dnt see the logic of insisting to go and pik up the gals.
they hav legs to walk... = =

跟住去食飯.... danny n sarah discussing the issue about whether looks matters or not.. = =
for fkn god sake, who gives a shit. (sori abt lang.) - -

danny 3點幾要走... 我順便走埋..... 實在頂5順....
y m i the only one that see it?

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