Tuesday, November 21, 2006

went to san in the morning...got some antibiotics and cream...and a big tub of E45 cream in the prescription XD

after lunch... skipped PSHE XD the whole class just dismissed themselves since the form tutor don't what to do with us.

got the phy test paper back...the particle phy ... i did so......bad..:_: A LOT of careless mistake...gotta revise harder next time...maybe now....

at night was watching the battle of Chernobyl (Discovery Channel) ... for 1 and a half hour with no revision been done...

chem test..dunno how to do 2 question...got the calculation wrong...gonna be dead

Finally completely broke down in violin today...can't stand it anymore
我知我拉得很爛, 我哭是因為我在乎, 並不是因為絕望
聽到的只的是與我無關的成就 一切名利
小提琴不是死物. 因為只要被人一拿起她就是活的
不僅是人, 現在連物都扔棄了

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