Sunday, November 19, 2006


so much to do...before i thought...

'only 4 subjects.. should be easy to handle..' -damn i was wrong...

i think of art i get a headache...

i think of maths, thinking that i have 3 assessments coming up one wk after another.. i get a bigger headache.

i think of english, thinking that i suck at it.. and a pile of papers piled on my table that need to be read before monday, i want to kill myself.

i think of japanese, thinking that im like 2 units behind and at another unit after that cos that's my nxt weeks' wrk encourages me to kil myself before nxt wk comes.

and now i think of all 4 subjects, i might as well go and bang my head on the wall n die right now.
-the end-

of my life.




i feel like

an emo.


i only finished one unit of jap which was due last friday.. i cnt believe i started this morning for an hour then i started again at 8 till now which is 12.45, in between break for half n hr.. n i onli did one unit... Shit.

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