Friday, November 17, 2006

New Template

Just made~ did some code copying and editing

just want a simple theme.... so far the best theme i ever encountered is Light which i m using in wp but...can't find the blogger version of it =[
changes might still be coming up...coz just made it in a rush

feeling guilty that i didn't do much of maths... i left out a few question for all every exercise.. and still haven't do phy...

mentioning phy..... the test... was... um... not too good...can't do the Beta+ decay...nor the diode cough...

and we got a fire drill today @ the end of break... (dunno if it's a real fire or not~ some people said it is...) but it was in the RAIN and i was in STILETTOS which is... quite inappropriate for walking in the dome garden... by the time i got to chem lab after the drill... my 3"stilettos are covered in MUD, LEAVES and is WET. yuk yuk.. AND........ i got white trousers as well...... as you can imagine what would i feel....

the highlight of the day is that there's NO orch after school since we preform in the concert last sunday.....
going to choir practice was a wrong decision to make as... not many people turned up...only me & vanessa & clara are the only chinese altos who went...

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