Saturday, November 18, 2006

I want to kill my roommate now...

My roommate's double alarm + mobile phone went off at 6 something yesterday........... WTF*ck..... and the most amazing thing is....with 3 device ringing .....she's still in bed and didn't wake up until 7:50am.... everything were in snooze mode for >1hr
and .... i couldn't tolerate this i've decided to tell her off after breakfast.

Spent the whole night doing YE in art block..........till 10pm
started sewing these after a shower...

Isn't this cute?

and i made the socks as well....

well made 4 socks and 2 薑餅人last night till 2:30am...

woke up at 9:30 today n made the other 2 this morning...and GUESS WHAT
my roommate's alarm WENT OFF at 7:45 on a SATURDAY MORNING in an EXEAT 2 mins later her MOBILE alarm went off.

The story does not end here.
and even more fun is...

10 mins later at 7:55 am the mobile WENT OFF AGAIN for 3 minutes... i was so amazed that she couldn't hear it and didn't move at all..... most important of all..... she didn't wake up until 11:45am.

so... i've decided to tell the house mistress on sunday night when she comes back...

sh!t...haven't revise chem at all...test is on tuesday.... and my flute is in an absolute sh!t state. Tones of maths accumulating... waiting to be done.

And what have i been doing?

loooking at posts n pics about A380 coming to HK..... which makes me wanted to do AE even more....

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